
Christian Education Program

This program aims at persons who strive for academic, in-depth knowledge in the field of Christian education to teach Biblical perspectives to youths or adults in local churches, or further preparation to become an ordained minister.

8 semesters


BG330 Introduction to Philosophy (3)

BG331 Introduction to psychology (3)

BG334 Christian Philosophy (3)

BG335 Anthropology (3)


BCE300 Introduction to Christian Education (CE) (3)

BCE301 Philosophy of CE (3)

BCE302 A Study of Modern CE (3)


BCE303 CE Methods (3)

BCE304 Administration of CE (3)

BCE305 CE Understanding for Children (3)

BCE306 CE for Youth (3)

BCE307 Creative teaching Strategy (3)

BCE308 CE & Family (3)


Elective Courses

BCE309 CE & Human Development (3)

BCE310 Introduction to Christian Counseling (3)

BCE311 Educational Ministry


BCE321 CE Seniors (3)

BCE322 Effective Sunday School (3)

BCE223 Biblical Principles of Marriage (3)

BCE324 Parenting of CE (3)

BCE325 Family Counseling (3)


BCE326 Church Music (3)

BCE327 Biblical Leadership (3)


Courses for Theological Studies

9 Units from BO

9 Units from BN

6 Units from BS

6 Units from BH

3 Units from BM

12 Units from BP

15 Units from BE


Field Practicum (pass 6 semesters)


Total Over 126 Semester Hours for Christian Education Program

Launch Course