Welcome to Faith College & Theological Seminary
훼이스 신학 대학교 신학 대학원 상담 대학원

This site is designed to provide you with an understanding of our educational institution. The Holy Scripture as the infallible living Word of God is the foundation of Faith College & Theological Seminary. Our seminary was established in 2006 as the Presbyterian General Assembly College and Theological Seminary of Canada and recently changed our name in 2018. Faith College & Theological Seminary offers a variety of Christian studies from our experienced professors, many of whom have doctoral degree as well as pastoral experience.

We are intent and committed to our privilege and responsibility of preaching the traditional reformed faith with an emphasis on the Kingship of Christ over our lives. We educate and train persons who wish to be pastors, chaplains, missionaries, Christian educators and leaders of lay persons. Students who complete the Pastoral Ministry Program are able to be ordained by KAICAM. Our educational philosophy emphasizes on believing in the word of the living God, receiving the power of the Holy Spirit, preaching all nations, and being a witness of Jesus Christ. We believe in God as Trinity and receive Jesus Christ as our Savior who is the Son of the living God. Enjoy your exploration of the seminary through this website.


Bienvenido al Seminario e Instituto Teológico Fe. Por la gracia de Dios, Seminario Teológico Fe fue establecido en 2006 con el nombre de Seminario e Instituto Teológico Asamblea General Presbiteriana de Canadá la cual fue renombrado como Seminario e Instituto Teológico Fe en 2018. El seminario fue creado sobre el fundamento de la convicción de La Sagrada Escritura es la infalible Palabra viva de Dios. Ofrecemos una variedad de estudios y cursos cristianos en clases en las aulas y en redes, presentados por profesores con vasto experiencia pastoral y títulos de maestrías y doctorados en su campo de su especialidad. 

Estamos decididos y comprometidos con nuestro privilegio y responsabilidad de predicar la fe reformada. Educamos y capacitamos a personas que desean ser pastores, capellanes, misioneros, educadores cristianos y líderes de laicos. Los estudiantes quienes completan el Programa de Ministerio Pastoral pueden ser ordenados por KAICAM. Nuestra filosofía educativa enfatiza creer en la palabra del Dios, recibir el poder del Espíritu Santo, predicar a todas las naciones y de ser testigo de Jesucristo. Creemos en Dios como Trinidad y en Jesucristo como nuestro Salvador e Hijo del Dios. 

Con la gratitud notificamos la apertura de cursos en Español, las cuales números de cursos serán ofrecidos y agregados en el transcurso desde este semestre y subsiguientes. Y Oramos de ser un canal de bendición para muchos estudiantes quienes utilicen los cursos ofrecidos para su formación como siervos fieles de Dios. Le agradecemos por la exploración del seminario a través de este sitio, y deseamos invitar a ser un miembro del seminario y beneficiar nuestro servicio en equipamiento de su educación bíblica, teológica y espiritual para proclamar las buenas nuevas y servir a Dios.

President Dr. Jin Hee Cho
총장 조진희 박사

Chancellor Dr. Sandy Y. Ahn
명예 총장 안상엽 박사

Dean of Graduate School
Dr. Paul Jun
대학원 원장 전상혁 박사

Dean of College Dr. Namgyu-Lee
신학 대학 학장 이남규 박사

2023 Fall Semester - (On-Campus)

온라인 동영상 강의 혹은 offline 출석 수업


2023 Fall Semester Courses:

  • Nouthetic Counselling (Prof. D. Lund)
  • Minor Prophets (Dr. H. Kim)
  • Early Church History (Dr. W. Kim)
  • The Theology of H. Bavinck (Dr. S. Hong)
  • Theories of Counselling Psychology (Dr. J. Cho)
  • Art Therapy (Dr. J. Lee)
  • Theories and Practice of Sermon (Prof. D. Choi) – Spanish


2022 Fall Semester Courses:

  • Ecclesiology (Dr. Kim, H.)
  • Survey of the Pentateuch & Historical Books (Dr. Lee, N.)
  • Contemporary Church History III (Dr. Kim, W.)
  • Christian Counselling III (Prof. Lund, D.)
  • Introducción a la Homilética (Prof. Choi, D. Y.)
  • Art Therapy (Dr. Lee, J.)
  • Introduction to Sermon (Prof. Choi, D. Y.)


2022 Spring Semester Courses:

  • Mission of Church 
  • Anthropology and Christology
  • Biblical Theology II
  • Art Therapy
  • Modern Church History II
  • Systematic Theology III
  • Christian Counselling


2021 Fall Semester Courses:

  • Marriage Counselling (Prof. Lund, D.)
  • Biblical Theology/성경신학 (Dr. Lee, N.)
  • 기독교 강요 I (Dr. Kim, H.)


2021 Spring Semester Courses:

  • The Gospel of John (Prof. Kuntel, M.)
  • Select Studies from the Book of Isaiah (Prof. Kuntel, M.)
  • Theological Studies in Pre-Marriage Counselling (Prof. Lund, D.)
  • Pastoral Counselling (Prof. Lund, D.)
  • Leviticus & Christology/레위기와 기독론 (Dr. Kim, H.)
  • The Book of Psalms (Dr. Kim, H.)
  • Biblical Theology of the New Testament (Dr. Lee, N.)
  • Contemporary Church History (Dr. Kim, W.)
  • Biblical Coping of Depression (Dr. Cho, J.)
  • Theological Studies in Counselling Theories (Dr. Cho, J.) 

*사정에따라 변경될 수 있습니다.
**청강 가능


Biblical Resolution of Conflict - Dr. Joenita

Biblical Crisis Counselling - Professor Dale Lund

Proverbs in the OT - Professor V. Kochatkov

The Study of Isaiah - Professor Murat Kuntel

Term 719 Courses

Christian Counselling III - Prof. Lund

Ecclesiology - Dr. Kim

Practical Music - Prof. Jun

Survey of Pentateuch & Historical Books - Dr. Lee

Contemporary Church History III - Dr. W.M. Kim

Introducción a la Homilética - Prof. Choi

Term 715 Courses

The Doctrine of God - Dr. Kim

Biblical Theology I - Dr. N.G. Lee

Biblical Theology II - Dr. N.G. Lee

Marriage Counseling - Prof. Dale

Mission of Church - Prof. Dale

Modern Church History II - Dr. W.M. Kim

Anthropology and Christology - Dr. Ezra Kim

Christian Counseling I - Prof. Dale

Term 714 Courses

The Gospel of John - Professor Kuntel

Theological Studies in Pre-Marriage Counselling - Professor Lund

Select Studies from the Book of Isaiah -
Professor Kuntel

The Book of Leviticus & Christology - Dr. H. Kim

The Book of Psalms - Dr. H. Kim

Term 713 Courses

Biblical Coping of Depression - Dr. Jin Hee Cho

The Book of Samuel - Dr. Heui Sang Kim

The Root of Reformation - Dr. Woo Min Kim

Exegesis of Mark - Dr. Namgyu Lee

Theology of Revelation - Dr. Heui Sang Kim

Pastoral Counselling - Prof. Dale Lund

Term 712 Courses

History of Christian Doctrines - Dr. Hong Man Kim

Theology & Psychology - Dr. Kyong Hoe Jo

Panorama of New Testament - Dr. Paul Jun

The Book of Genesis - Dr. Heui Sang Kim

Soteriology in Systematic Theology - Dr. H.M. Kim

The Reformation - Dr. Woo Min Kim

Biblical Management of Anger - Dr. Jin Hee Cho

Term 711 Courses

Wisdom Literature in the OT - Dr. Sandy Y. Ahn

Interpretation of Scriptures - Dr. Namgyu Lee

Panorama of the Old Testament II - Dr. Paul Jun

Biblical Coping of Stress - Dr. Jin Hee Cho

Principles of Discipleship Training - Dr. K.T. Kim

Medieval Church History - Dr. Woo Min Kim

Prison Epistles in the New Testament - Dr. H.S. Kim

Systematic Theology: The Journey of Salvation in the Pilgrim's Progress
- Dr. Hong Man Kim

천로역정01 특강 첫째날 - 김홍만 박사(SR신학교 총장)

천로역정02 특강 첫째날 - 김홍만 박사(SR신학교 총장)

첫째날 더보기

천로역정06 특강 둘째날 - 김홍만 박사(SR신학교 총장)

천로역정07 특강 둘째날 - 김홍만 박사(SR신학교 총장)

둘째날 더보기

천로역정11 특강 셋째날 - 김홍만 박사(SR신학교 총장)

천로역정12 특강 셋째날 - 김홍만 박사(SR신학교 총장)

셋째날 더보기

천로역정17 특강 마지막날 - 김홍만 박사(SR신학교 총장)

천로역정18 특강 마지막날 - 김홍만 박사(SR신학교 총장)

마지막날 더보기

Term 710 Courses

Panorama of the Old Testament I - Dr. Paul Jun

Early Church History - Dr. Woo Min Kim

The Core of the Bible - Dr. Sandy Y. Ahn

See More

Hermeneutics of the New Testament - Dr. N. Lee

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The Book of John - Dr. Heui Sang Kim


2019 February 15 - Spring Semester Orientation & Worship Service

2018 Seattle Theological Seminary Commencement

환영사: 박기현 총장

설교: 조진희 (훼이스 대학교 총장)

See More

권면사 이남규 학장 (훼이스 대학교)

시애틀 신학대 찬양단 찬양

학위 수여식

학위 수여식 축사 김우민 박사

학위 수여식 졸업생 답사

학위 수여식

2018 August 31 - Fall Semester Orientation

설교: "슬기로운 처녀" - 안상엽 박사

학교 소개 - 조진희 총장

(Summer 2018)
Revelations & the Contemporary Church - Dr. Daniel Park

첫째 날

둘째 날

(Summer 2018)
Jewish Background of the Bible
- Dr. Namgyu Lee

See More

Our Featured Courses are selected through a rigorous process and uniquely created for each semester.